CWFH – Card 3
Live from the Galaxy Theater, Santa Ana, CA!
Cedric the Hitman d. Nick Madrid via DQ after a slam on the announce table – *

CEDRIC: Willie Mack! You got lucky! Someone has paid a high price for me to take you out and I plan to do it!
Johnny Yuma d. The Hobo via pin after the Y-umaga – *
Adam Pearce d. Willie Mack via pinfall after a JUMPING PILEDRIVER – * – After the bell, Pearce keeps beating on Willie Mack! The Hobo comes out to make the save, clobbering Pearce from behind! Mack and The Hobo begin advancing on Pearce when Cedric the Hitman comes out to aid Pearce and soon all four men are brawling to the back!
Joey Ryan d. Scorpio Sky via pinfall after MUSTACHE RIDE – SQUASH – Ryan with a quick win over Scorpio Sky! The fans boo him out of the building.