Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase - First Reign - 5 Cards
defeated Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka on CARD #1980.001 - KING OF THE RING I via submission to become the first ever Golden State Wrestling WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. This was the finals of an 8-man single elimination tournament.
- defeated The Sandman on CARD #1980.002 via disqualification. - (Non-Title Match)
- defeated Greg “The Hammer” Valentine on CARD #1980.005 via pinfall. - (Non-Title Match)
The Iron Sheik - First Reign - 16 Cards
defeated Million Dollar Man on CARD #1980.006 - CALIFORNIA CLASSIC I via pinfall to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. This was the Main Event of a Ranking Gauntlet.
- defeated King Kong Bundy on CARD #1980.009 - WRESTLEMANIA 1 via submission.
- defeated “Cowboy” Bob Orton on CARD #1980.017 - LAST NIGHT via submission.
- lost to King Harley Race via DQ on CARD #1981.019 - KING OF THE RING.
King Harley Race - First Reign - 22 Cards - WRESTLER OF THE YEAR 1981
defeated The Iron Sheik on CARD #1981.022 - CIVIL WAR via escape in a STEEL CAGE MATCH to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.
- defeated Mr. Perfect on CARD #1981.025 - WRESTLEMANIA II via escape in a STEEL CAGE MATCH.
- defeated Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase on CARD #1981.028 - CALIFORNIA CLASSIC II via submission in the Main Event of a Ranking Gauntlet.
- defeated Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase on CARD #1981.034 - DESTRUCTION via escape in a STEEL CAGE MATCH.
- defeated Mr. Perfect on CARD #1981.039 - MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM via disqualification.
- defeated Mr. Perfect on CARD 1981.041 - LAST NIGHT via escape in a STEEL CAGE MATCH.
- defeated The Belgian Brawler on CARD #1982.042 - MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM via pinfall. - (Non-Title Match)
The Destroyer - First Reign - 4 Cards
defeated King Harley Race on CARD #1982.044 - FINAL DECISION via pinfall in a NO DQ/NO COUNTOUT match to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.
Missing Link - First Reign - 5 Cards
defeated The Destroyer on CARD #1982.048 - IDES OF MARCH via pinfall to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.
“Ravishing” Rick Rude - First Reign - 23 Cards
defeated Missing Link on CARD #1982.053 - WRESTLEMANIA via pinfall to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.
- defeated Missing Link on CARD #1982.058 - STARRCADE via pinfall.
- defeated Cowboy Bob Orton on CARD #1982.063 - LAST NIGHT via pinfall.
- defeated Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka on CARD #1983.070 - IDES OF MARCH via pinfall.
- defeated The Iron Sheik on CARD #1983.075 - WRESTLEMANIA via DQ.
The Iron Sheik - Second Reign - 34 Cards
defeated "Ravishing" Rick Rude on CARD 1983.076 - WRESTLING SUPERSTARS via submission to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.
- defeated “Ravishing” Rick Rude on CARD #80 - STARRCADE via submission.
- lost to Andre the Giant on CARD #90 - LAST NIGHT via DQ.
- lost to Andre the Giant on CARD #100 - STARRCADE via DQ.
Andre the Giant - First Reign - 10 Cards
defeated The Iron Sheik on CARD #110 - SATURDAY NIGHT'S MAIN EVENT via escape in a STEEL CAGE MATCH to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.
Randy “Macho Man” Savage - First Reign - 6 Cards
defeated Andre The Giant and CARD #120 - WRESTLEMANIA via pinfall to become the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. Title renamed the Western Heavyweight Championship.
King Harley Race - Second Reign - Current Champion
defeated Randy “Macho Man” Savage on CARD 126 - Prime Time Wrestling via pinfall to become the new Western Heavyweight Champion.
- lost to Randy "Macho Man" Savage on CARD #130 - Last Night via DQ.
- defeated Randy "Macho Man" Savage on CARD 134 - Main Event Wrestling via pinfall.
- defeated The Iron Sheik on GSW 138 - Main Event Wrestling via DQ.

IRON SHEIK & NIKOLAI VOLKOFF - First Reign - 4 Cards
defeated THE ROAD WARRIORS on CARD #1980.012 - CIVIL WAR via submission to become the first ever Golden State Wrestling WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. This was the finals of an 8-team single elimination tournament.
THE ROAD WARRIORS - First Reign - 7 Cards
defeated The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff on CARD #1980.016 - MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM via pinfall to become the new WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
- defeated THE KILLER BEES on CARD #1980.17 - LAST NIGHT via pinfall.
- defeated The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff on CARD#1981.018 - MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM via pinfall.
MIDNIGHT EXPRESS - First Reign - 18 Cards - TAG TEAM OF THE YEAR 1981
defeated THE ROAD WARRIORS on CARD #1981.023 - MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM via pinfall to become the new WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
- defeated THE ROAD WARRIORS on CARD #1981.025 - WRESTLEMANIA II via DQ due to brawling.
- defeated THE KILLER BEES on CARD #1981.028 - CALIFORNIA CLASSIC via pinfall.
- defeated THE ROAD WARRIORS on CARD 1981.034 - DESTRUCTION via pinfall in a Hardcore Texas Death Match.
- defeated THE VALIANT BROTHERS on CARD 1981.038 - SURVIVOR SERIES via pinfall.
The MIDNIGHT EXPRESS were forced to vacate the WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP due to a stipulation on CARD #1981.041 - LAST NIGHT due to losing a SPECIAL TAG TEAM CHALLENGE MATCH against THE ROAD WARRIORS.
MIDNIGHT EXPRESS - Second Reign - 5 Cards
defeated THE MONGOLS on CARD #1982.044 - FINAL DECISION via pinfall in the finals of a WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP tournament.
- defeated THE VALIANT BROTHERS on CARD #1982.048 - IDES OF MARCH via DQ due to brawling.
THE VALIANT BROTHERS - First Reign - 1 Card
defeated MIDNIGHT EXPRESS on CARD #1982.049 - MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM via pinfall to become the new WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
THE ROAD WARRIORS - Second Reign - 30 Cards - TAG TEAM OF THE YEAR 1982
defeated THE VALIANT BROTHERS on CARD #1982.050 - HOMECOMING via pinfall to become the new WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
- defeated MIDNIGHT EXPRESS on CARD #1982.053 - WRESTLEMANIA via pinfall.
- defeated MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION on CARD #1982.058 - STARRCADE via pinfall.
- defeated MIDNIGHT EXPRESS on CARD #1982.063 - LAST NIGHT via pinfall.
- defeated THE KILLER BEES on CARD #1983.070 - IDES OF MARCH via pinfall.
THE BOLSHEVIKS - First Reign - 20 Cards
defeated THE ROAD WARRIORS on CARD #080 - STARRCADE via pinfall to become the new WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
- defeated THE POWERS OF PAIN on CARD #90 - LAST NIGHT via pinfall.
THE POWERS OF PAIN - First Reign - 15 Cards
defeated THE BOLSHEVIKS on CARD #100 - STARRCADE via escape in a STEEL CAGE MATCH to become the new WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
THE OUTLAWS - First Reign - 3 Cards
defeated THE POWERS OF PAIN via submission on CARD #115 - GOLDEN STATE WRESTLING - LIVE! to become the new WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.
- defeated THE MIDNIGHT EXPRESS on CARD #120 - WRESTLEMANIA via DQ. Titles renamed the Western Tag Team Championship.
- lost to The British Bulldogs on Card #123 - Prime Time Wrestling via DQ.
- defeated The British Bulldogs on CARD #130 - Last Night in a No DQ/No Countout Match via pinfall.
- defeated The Dream Team on CARD #134 - Main Event Wrestling via pinfall.
- defeated The Powers of Pain on GSW #136 Prime Time Wrestling via pinfall.
The British Bulldogs - First Reign - Current Champions
defeated The Outlaws on GSW 138 - Main Event Wrestling via pinfall to with the Western Tag Team Championship.
The Spoiler - First Reign - 13 Cards
defeated George "The Animal" Steele via pinfall on CARD #114 - WRESTLING CHALLENGE to become the first TELEVISION CHAMPION.
- defeated Sam Houston on CARD #116 - WRESTLING SUPERSTARS via submission.
- lost to King Kong Bundy on CARD #119 - WRESTLING SUPERSTARS via DQ.
- defeated King Kong Bundy on Card #124 - Wrestling Superstars via pinfall in a Texas Death Match
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan - First Reign - Current Champion
defeated The Spoiler via pinfall on CARD #127 - Wrestling Superstars to become the new GSW Television Champion
- defeated Tully Blanchard on GSW 131 - Wrestling Superstars via pinfall.
- defeated Don Muraco on GSW 135 - Wrestling Superstars via DQ.
Tommy Rich - First Reign - 9 Cards
defeated Bobby Eaton via submission on MCW 16 to become the first Southern Heavyweight Champion.
1. lost by count out to Bobby Eaton on MCW 22.
Bobby Eaton - First Reign - 2 Cards
defeated Tommy Rich in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match on MCW 25 to win the Southern Heavyweight Championship.
Tommy Rich - Second Reign - 7 Cards
defeated Bobby Eaton via escape on MCW 27 in a Steel Cage Match to win the Southern Heavyweight Championship.
- lost to Austin Idol on MCW 31 via DQ.
Austin Idol - First Reign - Current Champion
defeated Tommy Rich via pinfall on MCW 33 to win the Southern Heavyweight Championship.
Adrian Adonis - First Reign - 8 Cards
defeated Dutch Savage on PNW 3 - Portland Wrestling via submission. The finals of a tournament to become the inaugural Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Champion.
- defeated Buddy Rose on PNW 5 - Portland Wrestling via countout.
- defeated Buddy Rose on PNW 7 - Portland Wrestling via submission.
Dutch Savage - First Reign - Current Champion
defeated Adrian Adonis on PNW 10 - Portland Wrestling via pinfall to become the new champion.
- defeated Buddy Rose on PNW 13 - Portland Wrestling via pinfall.
- defeated The Destroyer on PNW 15 - Portland Wrestling via DQ.
- defeated The Destroyer on PNW - 17 - Portland Wrestling via pinfall.
- wrestled The Destroyer on PNW 19 - Portland Wrestling to a Double Disqualification.
- defeated The Destroyer on PNW 20 via pinfall in a Coal Miner's Glove Match.